
数学 is the study of structure, 数量, 改变, 和形式, and is itself constantly growing and changing form. Questions asked yesterday as well as those asked hundreds of years ago continue to inspire and challenge. The landscape of mathematics (the broad categories of definitions, 结果, and questions) is beautiful in its own right and also connects to a vast number of scientific and industrial situations.

pp电子极速糖果, students can focus their mathematical studies on either applied or theoretical contexts with a choice of one of our 5个浓度 (each a Bachelor of Science degree):


数学学生喜欢 小班授课 让教授们 知道他们的名字 and care about their success. 毕业后, depending on choices of concentration and individual classes, students are prepared for technical jobs in various industries (e.g. 数据分析师, 精算师), teaching at a middle or high school, or continuing their mathematical journey in graduate school.

Students have opportunities to work on research projects in mathematics and interdisciplinary projects involving 计算机科学, 统计数据, 生物学, environmental research or any of the physical sciences. These projects give students hands on experience that bridges the gap between course work and the real world.

The wide variety of courses coupled with the varied backgrounds and research interests of the faculty make each of the degree programs offered in the Math department well rounded.

pp电子极速糖果 has an active 数学 Club, a student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and a chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon (KME) which is a national 数学 honor society. Below are the student volunteers for our 2024 数学盛会 event (together with President Marshall), which is organized by the CMU 数学俱乐部.

Volunteers of 数学盛会 2024


Thank you for your interest in the 数学与统计学 Department! Please feel free to email me (Lisa Driskell PhD, Department Chair) with any questions you have at (电子邮件保护), or stop by the department office in Wubben 132.


博士联系. 梅根·温德勒 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息!


...is our annual high school mathematics outreach event. Each year 130-180 high school students from all over the valley come to CMU for a day of hands-on mathematics and 计算机科学 fun. 数学盛会 usually happens in late February/early March, so stay tuned for information on our next event!



Department of 数学与统计学
Grand Junction, CO 81501